Rabbit is BORED. Wolf has the perfect solution. "Why not write a story?" And so Wolf teaches Rabbit to use his imagination to create the perfect story. Suddenly it becomes clear that Wolf is very hungry -so THAT'S how the story ends. But, in a clever twist, Rabbit saves himself from the wolf.
Nicola O'Byrne (Author, Illustrator)
When Nicola was 5 years old her parents banned Saturday morning television, and she has been drawing ever since. Born in Swaziland, Nicola grew up in Singapore and has lived in Papua New Guinea, Kenya, Edinburgh, London and Cambridge. She now lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Sjoerd, and their invisible dog, Chewbacca. Nicola has a Bachelor's degree in Illustration from Edinburgh College of Art and an MA (Printmaking) from Camberwell College of Art. In her spare time she enjoys weightlifting and baking.