My life story begins with a preacher who, by the leading of the Spirit, refused to end a service until my father, a successful businessman, had given his heart to the Lord. I eventually followed in my father's footsteps into full-time ministry, but only after overcoming self-doubt and self-consciousness in my ability to share the gospel.
God took that doubt away when a young man gave his heart to the Lord after I told him about Jesus. From that moment on, in Taiwan, the Philippines, and other places where I served, I saw the tremendous hand of the Lord at work as I allowed Him to lead and work through me. My desire is that you will be inspired and motivated to serve the Lord as freely and willingly as I was privileged to do for many years. May you, by God's grace, determine to live with no reserves, no retreats, and no regrets.
About the Author
Ed Erny and his wife, Rachel, served as One Mission Society missionaries for more than forty years. They served in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. Dr. Erny graduated from Asbury University and Asbury Theological Seminary and received an MS in journalism from UCLA. In 1987, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from his alma mater, Asbury University. Dr. Erny passed away in October 2013.