Born to Believeis accessible, entertaining popular science, the first to explore human beliefs, from the ordinary to the extraordinary. It presents the controversial argument that we human beings are biologically hardwired to create and maintain a system of beliefs. And it demonstrates that even our perception of reality is nothing more than a constructed belief filled with inaccuracies, assumptions, conjectures, and confabulations. Even our childhood memories are filled with beliefs about events that never occurred.
Now in paperback, this exciting new book by the nationally bestselling author of Why God Won't Go Awaybegan selling strongly even before its official publication date and publicity. Born to Believe is the first book to show that the brain is biologically driven to create beliefs.
"Our beliefs are the most precious things we possess. But how do we get them? Newberg and Waldman propose a thoughtful, well-documented, biological hypothesis...[that is] fascinating for believers and nonbelievers alike."
-- Dean Hamer, PhD, geneticist and author of
Living with Our Genes and
The God Gene