AUTAVIA, CARRERA, DAYTONA, MONACO, MONZA, SILVERSTONE - die Chronographen des renommierten Schweizer Uhrenhauses Heuer sind nicht nur Uhren, sondern begehrte Kunstwerke und außergewöhnliche Sammlerstu?cke. Ihr zeitloses Design und die herausragende technische Qualität machen sie zu wahren Ikonen der Uhrmacherkunst. In diesem Callwey-Buch werden die bedeutendsten Modellreihen der 1960er bis 80er Jahre eindrucksvoll in Szene gesetzt. Jedes Zifferblatt, jedes Uhrwerk und die markantesten Detailvergrößerungen werden sorgfältig präsentiert und laden dazu ein, in die faszinierende Welt
dieser Meisterwerke einzutauchen.
Zahlreiche Porträts, historische Rennplakate und teilweise unveröffentlichtes Bildmaterial
verwandeln dieses Standardwerk in ein besonderes Lesevergnu?gen - nicht nur fu?r Uhrenliebhaber, sondern auch fu?r alle Motorsportfans. Es erinnert an die enge Verbindung von Heuer mit den Legenden des Formel-1-Rennsports, darunter Größen wie Jacky Ickx, Niki Lauda, Clay Regazzoni, Jochen Rindt, Jo Siffert und der unvergessliche Steve McQueen aus dem Kultfilm Le Mans.
Ein absolutes Muss fu?r jeden Uhrensammler und Liebhaber von Luxusmarken im Motorsport!
AUTAVIA, CARRERA, DAYTONA, MONACO, MONZA, SILVERSTONE - the chronographs from the renowned Swiss watchmaker Heuer are not just watches, but coveted works of art and exceptional collector's items. Their timeless design and outstanding technical quality make them true icons of the art of watchmaking. In this Callwey book, the most important model series from the 1960s to the 1980s are impressively presented. Each dial, each movement and the most striking detail enlargements are carefully presented and invite you to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of these masterpieces.
Numerous portraits, historical racing posters and, in some cases, unpublished images transform this standard work into a special reading experience - not only for watch enthusiasts, but also for all motorsport fans. It commemorates Heuer's close association with the legends of Formula 1 racing, including greats such as Jacky Ickx, Niki Lauda, Clay Regazzoni, Jochen Rindt, Jo Siffert and the unforgettable Steve McQueen from the cult film Le Mans.
An absolute must for every watch collector and lover of luxury brands in motorsport!
AUTAVIA, CARRERA, DAYTONA, MONACO, MONZA, SILVERSTONE - the chronographs from the renowned Swiss watchmaking company Heuer are not just watches, but coveted works of art and exceptional collector's items. Their timeless design and outstanding technical quality make them true icons of the art of watchmaking.
In this Callwey book, the most important model series of the 1960s and '80s are impressively presented. Each dial, each movement and the most striking detail enlargements are carefully presented and invite you to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of these masterpieces.
Numerous portraits, historical racing posters and, in some cases, unpublished images transform this standard work into a special reading pleasure - not only for watch enthusiasts, but also for all motorsport fans. It commemorates Heuer's close association with the legends of Formula 1 racing, including greats such as Jacky Ickx, Niki Lauda, Clay Regazzoni, Jochen Rindt, Jo Siffert and the unforgettable Steve McQueen from the cult film Le Mans.
An absolute must for every watch collector and lover of luxury brands in motorsport!
Text in English and German.